How to Tie a Hawaiian Shirt: A Step-by-Step Guide – SSLR

How to Tie a Hawaiian Shirt: A Step-by-Step Guide

by sslr shop on February 16, 2023
With their vivid colors, striking prints, and laid-back vibe, Hawaiian shirts have long been a preferred fashion staple for both men and women. Despite the fact that these Hawaiian shirts are typically worn untucked and open, there are some situations in which you might want to tie your Hawaiian shirt for a more tailored and stylish appearance. What about tying a Hawaiian shirt, though? We'll walk you through how to tie a Hawaiian shirt with style in this guide.

Step 1: Pick the Proper Shirt

Selecting the appropriate shirt is crucial before you begin tying your Hawaiian shirt. Choose a shirt that fits comfortably and is made of a light, breathable material, like cotton or rayon. The shirt should have a striking print because it will help your tied shirt stand out.

Step 2: Button Up

Your Hawaiian shirt should first be fully buttoned up. When you tie the shirt, this will make it appear more streamlined and clean.

Step 3: Tie a Knot

Next, gather the shirt's bottom two corners and knot them in the middle of your waist. Make sure the knot is secure enough to keep the shirt in place but not so tight that it feels uncomfortable or constricted.

Step 4: Tighten the Knot

Once the knot is secured, adjust it so that it is even on both sides and sits in the middle of your waist. Additionally, you can alter the shirt tails' length to make them uniform.

Step 5: Fold the Collar

Fold the shirt collar down and tuck it under the knot to finish off the tied shirt look. This will contribute to the appearance being neat and polished.

Step 6: Accessorize

Think about accessorizing with a necklace or bracelet to give your tied Hawaiian shirt a little extra flair. To complete the island-inspired look, add a simple beaded necklace or shell bracelet.

A few good tips for tying a Hawaiian shirt

Hawaiian shirts can be tied looser for a more carefree appearance, with the knot resting lower on the waist.

For a more relaxed appearance, you can unbutton the collar of a Hawaiian shirt if you're wearing one.

Make sure to use a shirt that fits you properly when tying your Hawaiian shirt. It might not tie properly and look unflattering if the Hawaiian shirt is too small or too large.

Hawaiian shirts can be tied over tank tops or bikini tops for a more feminine appearance. This can contribute to the creation of a beachy, summery look that is ideal for warm weather.

For a complete look that is both fashionable and comfortable, think about wearing your tied Hawaiian shirt with a pair of shorts or a skirt.



To sum up, wearing a Hawaiian shirt tied can be a fashionable and fun way to switch up your wardrobe and add a touch of island flair to your look. You can tie your Hawaiian shirt confidently and achieve a look that is both stylish and comfortable by adhering to these easy instructions and advice. Why not give it a shot and see how a tied Hawaiian shirt can spruce up your look with color and fun?